Empower Your Business Efficiency: Harnessing the Power of Custom Work Rules for Enhanced Workforce Management

Empower Your Business Efficiency: Harnessing the Power of Custom Work Rules for Enhanced Workforce Management

An effective Time and Attendance system can revolutionise the way organisations manage their diverse work rules, providing a flexible solution that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each organisation. This flexibility enables companies to align their workforce schedules with their desired operational requirements, ensuring a system that caters to their unique preferences….

Ventrica Time & Attendance
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Ventrica Time & Attendance

Ventrica chose Synel for their flexible and easy to use T&A Solutions.  An intelligent outsourced customer contact centre which helps deliver more sales, retains customers longer and increases the customer lifetime value. Background The major challenge of this project was to install T&A and Access Control Solutions that could adapt to the growing needs of Ventrica….

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