8 Tips to Prepare Better for Holiday Season!

8 Tips to Prepare Better for Holiday Season!

How to manage seasonal employee vacations through efficient scheduling Who created a single summer vacation season for the entire year? bemoans the HR Manager and business owner in the busy vacation season. It can often feel that all employees choose the same week or period to take time off! As a result, businesses face conflict…

On Time, On Schedule and Within Budget : How Job Costing Software Helps Your Organisation

On Time, On Schedule and Within Budget : How Job Costing Software Helps Your Organisation

Tracking and accurately assigning costs specifically to particular jobs is harder than it sounds. Job costing is a technique of costing where the amount of work done is calculated in the form of the number of jobs completed. This process is used largely for job contracts where the price of the job depends on the…

4 ways to save money through Effective Scheduling

4 ways to save money through Effective Scheduling

Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘scheduling abuse’? It’s something that happens all the time as teams grow larger and the number of independent and temporary workers increases, and it’s not pretty. Essentially, it’s an attempt to force shift employees to work without pay. Using techniques like requiring an employee to work overtime without…

What is the cost of unplanned interruptions?

What is the cost of unplanned interruptions?

From smoking breaks to answering your mobile… 100% productivity is an impossible goal for most employers with all the ‘interruptions’ that keep staff from their desks throughout the day. How much all these stoppages cost in reality? Let us discover the most frequent reasons for work interruptions and how much they cost to an average…

Why do you need a Job Costing and Activity Tracking Software Solution?

Why do you need a Job Costing and Activity Tracking Software Solution?

Job Costing and Activity Tracking stems from the automation of manufacturing and other business processes. However, most of the companies with repeated business processes can benefit from job tracking and job costing software. Activity-based costing provides an accurate view of product cost. Activity-based costing determines every activity associated with producing an item and allocates a…

You cannot predict the future, but you can schedule it!

You cannot predict the future, but you can schedule it!

It is not easy to predict the future of your business, and sometimes it feels as if there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. With Synel Employee Scheduling software, you can effectively schedule your workforce in any location on any device and get more done with less. Optimise your productivity and…

Calculating Holiday Pay. All you need to know.

Calculating Holiday Pay. All you need to know.

Staff on an array of contracts, from zero-hour to full-time, are being tricked out of time off by bosses and company culture, according to a recently published article by HR Grapevine.  Those on zero-hour contracts are unaware they have holidays, either due to their employer’s ignorance of workers’ rights or deliberate ignore the law. Based on…

4 Interesting Facts About Working Mums and Flexible Working

4 Interesting Facts About Working Mums and Flexible Working

According to a recent Report about Working Mums published to mark the launch of the 2017 Top Employer Awards, Workingmums.co.uk’s Best Practice Report 2017  there is a definite increase in flexible recruitment policies & a recognition that flexible working has to be embedded with a flexible culture. The Report provides a closer look at what…

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