Discover the latest TimeLOGWeb version


The last version of TimeLOGWeb introduces NEW Features for the easier management of all your Time & Attendance needs & your clocking devices and a new comprehensive and improved absence management system.

We guarantee you that all our last released versions of our solutions are now fully GDPR Compliant. Moreover, our technical team has again improved our TimeLOGWeb system by updating our Absence Management and Access Control module so you can enjoy best performance and usability.

You will also be able to discover the new available options for Sygma, SY Face 910 and Synergy devices which make them more powerful and even easier to use. All the new features provide you the best solution, help you manage your employees and improve your company's security.

All the NEW Features are presented below.

Software fully GDPR Compliant

Please visit Synel GDPR Webpage to learn more.

Absence Management Module (TimeLOGWeb software)

  • Allows managing partial absences
absence management
Discover the latest TimeLOGWeb version 11
  •  Added features with Absence request and approval screens
Absence Management
Discover the latest TimeLOGWeb version 12
  • Improved Absence Calendar features
  • 2 additional reports added

Access Control Module (TimeLOGWeb software)

  • Added features within Access Control Setup Screens
  • Added management by Buildings/sites
Devices Management
Discover the latest TimeLOGWeb version 13
  • Report added that shows the Expiration dates of Security Groups
  • Additional Items and features added within Access Control Dashboard and Guard Screen
Discover the latest TimeLOGWeb version 14

Sygma Device

  • Allows enrolling more than 1 finger template per employee
  • Auto version update service introduced
  • Additional Function keys introduced
  • Time syncs with server time
  • New Suprema USB enroller added
 Touch Screen Recognition

Synergy Device 

  • Employees can record Tip Amount via device.
  • 2 Steps Verification introduced.
  • New Firmware released.

 SY Face 910 

  • Webservice now introduced

Other Updates (TimeLOGWeb software)

  • Personnel Screen – Streamlined Personal screen within individual employee record
  • Universal Import – Allows importing Cards in bulk
  • Software Security – Account will get locked if login attempt failed 5 times
  • Graphical Scheduler – Allows inserting Shift Start/End Time without needing to create Daily Templates

To learn more about our products or if you have any questions related to this update don't hesitate to contact us.

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