Empower Your Business Efficiency: Harnessing the Power of Custom Work Rules for Enhanced Workforce Management

Empower Your Business Efficiency: Harnessing the Power of Custom Work Rules for Enhanced Workforce Management

An effective Time and Attendance system can revolutionise the way organisations manage their diverse work rules, providing a flexible solution that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each organisation. This flexibility enables companies to align their workforce schedules with their desired operational requirements, ensuring a system that caters to their unique preferences….

6  Tips For Managing Your Remote Workforce

6 Tips For Managing Your Remote Workforce

Cloud computing and modern modes of communication have broken down the walls of the office, making it a more flexible, virtual, and expansive space. With almost 50% of the workforce working remotely, and employers becoming more liberal with work-from-home policies, the very culture of the workplace is changing. Employers can get the best candidates on…

How An Efficient Workforce Management System Saves You Money

How An Efficient Workforce Management System Saves You Money

An efficient workforce management software solution lets you leverage your workforce to get the best out of your people while reducing resource wastage and streamlining operations, all in a cost-effective method. It’s also important that the workforce management software you use is sufficiently flexible and customisable — to accommodate your organisation’s core processes, allocating work…

5 Reasons to Become a Synel Channel Partner
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5 Reasons to Become a Synel Channel Partner

With the adoption of channel-focused strategy becoming increasingly popular, a successful business is that which can identify the right vendor(s) – those who can truly help with the growth and distinction of the business in an increasingly crowded market. Here are a few reasons why you should choose to partner with Synel… 1. Market Leadership…

New Field Management Solution by Synel UK enables real-time connection of fieldworkers to the office!

New Field Management Solution by Synel UK enables real-time connection of fieldworkers to the office!

Synel UK, an innovative Workforce Management Solutions company, announced today its new Field Management Solution Release that provides complete management of field employees’ activities and reporting via a smartphone app. Especially designed for sectors that need to manage a great number of employees like engineering, construction, maintenance and care workers, the new Field Management Solution…

Save Money with Expenses Management Software

Save Money with Expenses Management Software

Trying to manage your expenses manually? These repetitive tasks are exhausting, waste the time of your staff, and can result in errors. Enter the Expenses Management Software. Expenses Management Software can help businesses handle their various financial functions, notably by eliminating manual tasks and automating repetitive ones. This kind of software offers features ranging from…

Expenses Management Solution for effortless expenses management by Synel UK

Expenses Management Solution for effortless expenses management by Synel UK

Synel UK, recently launched its new Expenses Management Solution combines receipt scanning, automated policy enforcement and real-time reporting for effortless management. Automate the expense management process and eliminate the errors, paper and procedures that go with it. Free up your employees and take control over compliance and costs. With the new Synel solution, users can…

6 Reasons Why You Should Implement A Flexible Work Policy

6 Reasons Why You Should Implement A Flexible Work Policy

Modern technology has transformed the landscape of work culture by allowing employees to connect from home. When there is no loss to your employees’ productivity as a result of working from home or anywhere else, giving them the opportunity to do so can significantly improve your organisation’s retention rate. The importance of modifying your organisation’s…

How A Job Costing Software Can Save Your Business Money

How A Job Costing Software Can Save Your Business Money

An efficient job costing software allows companies to understand where its profits and, more importantly, losses are coming from. With such insights, management can take powerful decisions to optimise business workflow and general operations. Good job costing software enables companies to: Here are a few ways in which a job costing software can help your company…

Workforce Management Solution for the Construction Industry

Workforce Management Solution for the Construction Industry

The construction industry is one of the most challenging when it comes to time and attendance management. This is because there is always more than one project progressing simultaneously, with many staff members employed on each at different levels, performing various roles. In addition, the nature of the work environment does not lend itself to easy…


Managing Employee Attendance

Synel offers you bespoke solutions to meet your employee attendance management requirements. Log in online anytime, anywhere on your Mac, PC, tablet or smartphone and access real-time up-to-date information on your workforce. Automate and streamline everything from holiday requests to absence recording, from scheduling shifts to collecting project hours, leaving you more time to focus…

Workforce Management in the Supermarket and Grocery Industry

Workforce Management in the Supermarket and Grocery Industry

Although many do not realise it, grocery stores play an important role in every community. These stores are the trusted and familiar places from which locals purchase everything required to meet their families’ daily needs. If you are a local grocer, you know that you are instrumental in feeding the community – a responsibility that…

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