Enhancing School Safety with Access Control Systems
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Enhancing School Safety with Access Control Systems

Access control systems play a crucial role in schools… Ensuring the safety and security of educational premises is of paramount importance in today’s world. Access control systems have become indispensable tools, empowering schools and facility managers to establish a secure environment for students, staff, and authorised visitors. Access control systems play a crucial role in…

Empower Your Business Efficiency: Harnessing the Power of Custom Work Rules for Enhanced Workforce Management

Empower Your Business Efficiency: Harnessing the Power of Custom Work Rules for Enhanced Workforce Management

An effective Time and Attendance system can revolutionise the way organisations manage their diverse work rules, providing a flexible solution that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each organisation. This flexibility enables companies to align their workforce schedules with their desired operational requirements, ensuring a system that caters to their unique preferences….

Integrate your payroll platform with Synergy Time & Attendance

Integrate your payroll platform with Synergy Time & Attendance

Every organisation, regardless of size, has its own unique approach to payroll management, which encompasses all forms of payments to its employees and contractors. Compliance with mandatory and statutory and regulation is critical, and this involves ensuring that all payment and deduction inputs are aligned. As compliance regulations are subject to changes, managing payroll can…

Why Absence Management should be a key feature of any effective Time and Attendance system

Why Absence Management should be a key feature of any effective Time and Attendance system

Employee absence is a growing challenge for workforce managers in the UK. Whether from illness, stress, cars not starting, bad weather, childcare problems or absenteeism, the costs impact on the whole economy as well as the bottom line of individual businesses. The question is: how can employers manage down their unplanned absence rate and improve…

6 Benefits of a Time & Attendance solution

6 Benefits of a Time & Attendance solution

Investing in the right time and attendance solution, particularly in an organisation with complex work patterns such as shifts, overtime, time off in lieu etc, is one of the best ways to gain insight and a benchmark for your employee costs. To help you choose with more confidence a system that delivers all you need,…

Looking for a replacement for your HandPunch readers?

Following on from the recent decision by Allegion to stop the manufacture and support of its Schlage HandPunch readers, Synel intends to fulfil orders for these devices until 15th June 2021 and will be able to respond to service requests until 31st August 2021. From speaking to users of these devices, it is clear that…

Safe Contractor
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Safe Contractor

Synel UK has once again been awarded accreditation from SafeContractor for its ongoing commitment to achieving excellence in health and safety. SafeContractor is a leading third-party accreditation scheme that assesses and recognises the very high standards in health and safety management among UK contractors and service providers. Under the SafeContractor scheme, Synel UK was required…

Why Your Org Needs Cloud SaaS Time & Attendance Software

Why Your Org Needs Cloud SaaS Time & Attendance Software

The year 2020 is projected to be a good year for the SaaS (Software as a Service) market. SaaS investors also believe that there’s massive untapped potential, with this part of the software market projected to double by size in the next decade. Reports also predict that the SaaS market size is likely to reach…

Benefits of having a unified Access Control and Time & Attendance solution for your Business
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Benefits of having a unified Access Control and Time & Attendance solution for your Business

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are susceptible to security risks and understand the importance of having a system that tracks who enters while also preventing those who shouldn’t have any access at all. When access control is coupled with time and attendance in an organisation, access permissions can be controlled by employee grade level…

Biometrics in the Workplace – The Best Form of Time and Attendance Tracking

Biometrics in the Workplace – The Best Form of Time and Attendance Tracking

For organisations, tracking and monitoring employees’ check in and check out time can be humdrum and yet   for various reasons. While most organisations have started to manage their employees’ timings through digital mediums, there are still a few loopholes that employees can abuse to get away with wasting their time. This is where biometrics-based…

5 Reasons to Become a Synel Channel Partner
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5 Reasons to Become a Synel Channel Partner

With the adoption of channel-focused strategy becoming increasingly popular, a successful business is that which can identify the right vendor(s) – those who can truly help with the growth and distinction of the business in an increasingly crowded market. Here are a few reasons why you should choose to partner with Synel… 1. Market Leadership…

New Field Management Solution by Synel UK enables real-time connection of fieldworkers to the office!

New Field Management Solution by Synel UK enables real-time connection of fieldworkers to the office!

Synel UK, an innovative Workforce Management Solutions company, announced today its new Field Management Solution Release that provides complete management of field employees’ activities and reporting via a smartphone app. Especially designed for sectors that need to manage a great number of employees like engineering, construction, maintenance and care workers, the new Field Management Solution…

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