7 NEW Features for Synel Time & Attendance Solution!

Synel Time & Attendance Solution!

Managing your workforce just became smarter! Just before the year ends Synel UK introduces 7 NEW Smart Features for a clearer operational insight into your workforce and easier management of all your Time & Attendance needs. 

7 NEW Features explained below.

1. Global Employee Management

Manage Employees globally rather than individually.

global employee management
7 NEW Features for Synel Time & Attendance Solution! 9

2. Multiple Contracts

Employees can be assigned with multiple contracts with date range throughout their career.

multiple contracts
7 NEW Features for Synel Time & Attendance Solution! 10

3. Improved Graphical Scheduler

Activity can be scheduled to the emmployee for the dates selected, New Total Column.

graphical scheduler
7 NEW Features for Synel Time & Attendance Solution! 11

4. Line Manager Status Update

System allows allocating Line Managers to the employees from various departments.

line manager
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5. Global Template Management

Manage Finger/Face/Handpunch Template globally rather than individually.

global template management
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6. Device Maintenance

Allow maintenance options for various devices.

device maintenance
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7. Universal Import

Allow importing various types of data.

universal import
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